fredag 31 juli 2020

wrong timing

 wrong timing but  with every cloud comes  a silver lining 
 maybe it wore just sign of a time that you would me decline
 that my mom was dumb enough to say boy bye 
 but i recall laying , crying  - screaming why 
 the pulse went in 190 and i still feel for heaven sent 
 i got a playlist that remind me about us 
 and will probably write million poems
 bet you dont remember me 
 but i will always remember when we chat in october 


i hate how we fallout , everytime i hear our song is a shout out 
and i got full playlist of them and lately i been written a lot of poem 
about a guy i never met but yet , this year i almost died but yet never felt so alive 
in the heat of the moment , when i wore heaven sent 
i know i had you wrapped around my finger 
talking with my favorite singer 
 wrong timing but  with every cloud comes  a silver lining 
you have no idea how much you help me with my rehab 
so please dont be an other backstab from a guy i knew i never will have 
is it truth that idols love their fans , do you believe in demends ? 
i remember it so vividly how i sat an play your music in the hospital bed 
had an male nurse that looked like like Zedd and  other i intro to Diplo 
and sofitucker 

as if

i need  to turn my life to a smash hit

leave the what ifs and forget the regrets

cheers to the weekend and the boy in the coatroom 

forget about the tantrum i got in chatroom

do you really think i want your boy , ugh as if 


Smash hit

i need  to turn my life to a smash hit

leave the what ifs and forget the regrets

all the songs i used to sing along to

became the soundtrack that belong to you

not sure how you come along

but im sure that you have my heart won

the smash hit that always is so perfect

of all those beutiful chics you picked up the broken

my friend perhaps when you slide in my dm

thats why you always have my heart stolen

yeah you the hi track who always hold my heart in track



you play me off key

hit me off course 
make me slam the doors 
but of people you hold close you wear like those clothes 
like a statemeant piece 
 you all dress me up every day 
with a smile thinking i would see you at friday 
havent done it for a while 
but then you hit my off course 
there at george 
i have curse you for many years 
dealt with many tears 
but 2020 i  decided to grow up 
specially when i got a second chance 
to set myself on righ path , instead of let life draw under the carpet 
but i still recall that time , as my best ( coming to ages , written forever in pages ) 
when i did good in school , friends rule and the cherry on top wore that my health was perfect 

torsdag 30 juli 2020

slam my heart and close the door

slam my heart and close that door 
not like i love that boy anymore 
been there , done that 
before but why does it soar 
when i see you with her 
maybe this city wasnt what i prefer ?
it used to be , but no its all a ruin 
what used to feel about freedom 
become a cage and know 
you hold the keys to the locker 

den dåliga poesin

du är all den dåliga poesin jag skrev
men är den personen jag blev ...
du gjorde mig så här 
genom att ignorera samtal 
med att rätta mina stavfel 
du borde sett dig själv i spegeln
för du är ingen ängel 
rycka upp dig istället för trycka ner mig 
det är en anledning varför jag inte ville se dig 

ditt namn

du är all den dåliga poesin jag skrev
men är den personen jag blev ...
jag ska inte förutsätta att du vill ha mig
speciellt eftersom du inte älskar mig
såg det i dina handlingar , i dina handklappar
som ekar ditt namn , din kram som alltid omfamnar mig


jag tror kände en doft av rök , smoke
jag tror att lågan vart till en flamma
fann gnistan av att ligga i lumpen
men jag tror att du alltid  visste
vad du ville , hade sådant fokus
jag kommer ihåg hur jag föll
i din famn och jag visste att jag var i hamn

to my supporters

so there you had my heart stolen

dont mind it because you heart is golden

brand new coat , brand new shoes

scrolling down the phone - swipe left

because you wanted something else

like a new phone

little did i knew

you would end up in my poem

i wore so clueless back then

i barely now how to make a friend

but i am glad you said yes to requst i send
i know i gonna dance through my poems

wishing you will liking them

hoping you read there in your bed
maybe can understad who i am ?

i knew you will linger like smoke
like that hospital bloke
chasing ghost . people we lost
in those damn corridors
slamming doors and broken hearts
i knew you give my a hug
like i do with my blog
that stole my  heart with just a glance
i never believe i romance
 but i do believe in friends ..


stronger then love

there something with smoke linger oo
thanks to everyone that let me go on
the girls that have my back
been in the same place , replaced
the thruth as i see it . it was perfect
blinded by his charm , tangled
strangled in love 'but rejected
i wasnt even selected
not sure if i wore in the running
condolence prrze so what am i winnig ?

onsdag 29 juli 2020


like smoke linger on
on clothes when you move on
things i bought for like ten years ago
i cant wear now , but still love ..
just because you touch them 
like an address i cant pass by 
police sirens remember me about you
i dont know why ...
the what ifs are heavy burden to carry 
but one day suddenly 
i forget why you left me sleepless 
i think that night made me breathless 

house party

like smoke linger on

on clothes when you move on

things i bought for like ten years ago

but cant wear now

because you held  me tight

yeah i fall for you that night

i still got the red wine stain on my top

that i just baught and i was like what fuck ?

but there something with you ...

that always calm me down


new boy , new rules
ignore the ex . delete the the text
if he make one wrong step  , call him out
and say thank you next , yeah you learn from the best
be grateful for what he show you , that the way he ignore you
isnt real love , dont go gentle on him when he dismantle himself
as a heartbreaker


you took me like a suprise 
catch me if you can 
i heard the whispers 
that you are quite a gentleman 
you swept me away like that potter 
love you like a father loved his daugher 
yeah you saw standing there by your fave spot 
i always try to hide in the dark , damn it 
... just got caught 


you smell just like miss dior
i remember how you swept down the floor
i recall everything being so embarrassing
but you treat me but nothing but a lady
when i could be handle like the tramp
nobody has ever done that
i really appreciate that
it tell a lot about your morals
what kinda man you are
and i think you can tell by you honor
i like what kinda dignity you have
its might be one of the fave traits  i love

august child

we are are a bit loud , august child
running through the summer haze
school hasnt begun and i call shut gun
front in the wheelchair, like a wild ride
i remember how you ran through the corridor
never have i ever felt like this
telling everybody i knew i had dibs
i remember how life took a wrong twist
somewhere around feb and i had a freaking fab
time laying in coma, on  of my nurse look like zedd
meanwhilei sat and played harris , in the hosital bed
and diplo , turned in to a disco and somebody look like Martin Garixx
yeah i can turn strory to gossip on page six
but i am kinda over it , but i remember everything being lit
even in my fever dreams , you know like my poems

fine by me

better luck with your miss , she is gorgeous
but don't you know i am like notorious
you should recognize a good thing
that appreciate good living
i bet she go mental if she knew
why do i write aboui him
who wore a no show ?
our songs , ours place
you can have them


just a victim of faith

but i heard you study

biology, , bet i know

neurology - the latest technology

better then i can , but one thing for sure

is that the stiches around my scar  is yours         

like every queen have to fall

you know like that marie-aniotte

we used be so perfect


second home

there is a city where i live , holby city 
every doctor here is look so damn pretty 
yeah i got my home in Greys anatomy
friends with that gorgeous Meredith 
and i love how they beutiful both underneath 
i love whats going down at Scrubs 
because J.D  slways been a homeboy of mine  

tisdag 28 juli 2020


he leaves bloodstain on my body where nobody been

take samples of love with his dimples

just with a glance he make me outbalance

but the thing with me is i dont belive much in romance

hes eyes put me in trance and i love the way he made a place in my brain

go ahead and entertain  wihen he slide in my room

from that day i dont wake up before he on his six coffee cup

he tell me nothing , he tell me everything

and somehow all i can do is laughting 3

cerebral haemorrhage

so apperely i had something that called that . they made two operation in the night and i laid in coma ( had a fucking amazing time with wicked dreams lol about diplo operating me , listen to harris , and a look a like - zedd , yeah i head fun time in my hospital bed . it was like a festival kinda .  haha

ps . two lung  inflammation  to but im fine with them , i think

just recovery

to all the heros

you probably think i cheesy with my poems
but im think you a local hero
with the heart on the right place
dont mind who you  are
you are a superstar
in your own way


im never gonna go to the police and ask for advice

because the blue sirens call shot your name 
now im home and try to stalk you on internet 
and we have just met but you treat me with silky glove

the roads is whisper your name , specially by old town

and i always gonna live for the hope of it all so i dont fall

but secretly wish you be on the one i call

sorry about that

  the favorite love scenes is those i made ( no shade ) 
like when you mouthing me babe , ( i mean that was you meant ) 
when you call my name , right - i went to heaven that night
and  every since when you wish me , sweet dreams ...
i used to think love stories is written of Jane Austen 
 but now i know better - not even taylor swift write a manus script 
no shade ( but the favorite loves scenes is i write ) 
and not everyone ., sorry about that 

coffee cup

it was like fall into dream
like walk into film scene 
when you catch me heart
but i  love the way you pick up 
my heart, like your a coffee cup
lately i been dreaming about 
kissing your mouth 
dont say i didnt warn ya ? 
when  i said no filter
that i have no shelther
when it comes to my blog
its like word vomit
and people around me , should handle it

coat room

there loud voices from the room
i sit in my finest dress in the coat room 
i dont  want to join them 
because when did i become a friend ? 
this invite wore sent of pity 
just because they need some company 
i can tell in the invitation they just wore of sympathy 
but i try my best , find some kinda dress 
that will impress the princess 
in the corner 
i dont think so ...
hear them go blah blah blah 
in lala land 
but if you want to join me here in the coat room 
under all the coats , i grab some wine
and we  can make this our own little ballroom 

lion king

it was like nala meeting simba ,  having timon and pumba
somebody to talk with during this convid  , god forbid ....
if you hand cross the barriar but babe you such a good carrier
handsome as hell , standing their in his blue uniform
i remember you catch my when i fall and i was like : - awkard
how he help with the hair when i wore unwell and the buttons
call  me little kitten , yeah i like that - or maybe i just dreamt
about that lion king , that wore totally a daydream ......

i wish

you must be enchanted because your everything in a person i wanted
how you treat me with dignity and honor - tells about your moral
 secretly i wish i wore yours but why does it felt like
you slam the door when the  the next one open
isnt it funny how people come with an  new chapter
and others , just become a love letter


he look so handsome in that suit , and he takes my hand so cute 
he make me feel like i a wearing a hospital gown when i wore a mess 
you said you liked my cat dress , it make me feel like a princess '
the only one that has handicap access to my heart 
and his face is cut of art , yeah he paint up a fantasy 
everytime he   slides like that Cadillac escalade

grab my wheelchair and running through the corridor

you really make the quarantine like a hellla good ride
but mostly because went home alive


he look so handsome in that suit , and he takes my hand so cute 

he make me feel like i a wearing a hospital gown when i wore a mess 

you said you liked my cat dress , it make me feel like a princess '
the only one that has handicap access to my heart 

and his face is cut of art , yeah he paint up a fantasy 
everytime he   slides like that Cadillac escalade 
make  me feel like Katniss  purr and and awkward

måndag 27 juli 2020

Gods Gift

he look so handsome in that suit , and he takes my hand so cute 

he make me feel like i a wearing a hospital gown when i wore a mess 

you said you liked my cat dress , it make me feel like a princess '

the only one that has handicap access to my heart 

and his face is cut of art , yeah he paint up a fantasy 

everytime he   slides like that Cadillac escalade 

in to  the room and i be like mouting shout gun 

and i never felt so mental even though i know your friendship is for rental 

yeah you make me go off the races just by looking at your face

 he can paint a fantasy 

just by a glance, yeah you really put me out of  balance 

i know i should ignore the the signs because they are red flags 

but most of all i love he helped me packing my bags 

the way he push the right button , treat me like his kitten

in a world so crazy , i always felt like i wore your little baby

yeah , you are gods gift to earth and whoever get you - deserve

this one is for angelica

remember when angelica call me out
mention your name , one to many times
i guess i wore get ahead of my game
i didnt even know you name ?
remember sitiing back in the bus
school trip to a wineyard 
i dont even drink wine
but to make you mine
i would have take you out
remember how we chat about this and that
you always thought i wore the girl who would getaway with it
i didnt got it , perheps but hopefully i am not losing you as a friend

the chapter who never gonna end

the moments with you
is all i need to say i do
i can go back every night
write over , try to discover
something new , something to love
i dont want this chapter to end
you are my best friend
i didnt knew i had
i never knew i want to save


he look so handsome in that suit , and he takes my hand so cute 

he make me feel like i a wearing a hospital gown when i wore a mess 

you said you liked my cat dress , it make me feel like a princess '

the only one that has handicap access to my heart 

and his face is cut of art , yeah he paint up a fantasy 

everytime he   slides like that Cadillac escalade 

in to  the room and i be like mouting shout gun 

and i never felt so mental even though i know your friendship is for rental 

yeah you make me go off the races just by looking at your face

 he can paint a fantasy 

just by a glance, yeah you really put me out of  balance 

i know i should ignore the the signs because they are red flags 

but most of all i love he helped me packing my bags '

queen of art

he look so handsome in that suit , and he takes my hand so cute 
he make me feel like i a wearing a hospital gown when i wore a mess 
you said you liked my cat dress , it make me feel like a Disney  princess
he is the king of heart , and i am the queen of art

the only one that has handicap access and he can paint a fantasy 
just by a glance, yeah you really put me out of  balance
but what they know, i love a challange ... 
will you be mine please dont decline ? 

just with a glance

he look so handsome in that suit , and he takes my hand so cute 
he make me feel like i a wearing a hospital gown when i wore a mess 

kinda remind of dior , adore   

you said you liked my cat dress , it make me feel like a princess '
the only one that has handicap access and he can paint a fantasy 

yeah he can paint a me like a disney princess 
just by a glance, yeah you really put me out of  balance  

and a bet you wore Prince , whisper by the door : sweet dreams

how i loved when you turned my wheelchair to a pumpkin 

and always handed out my meds in bed 

starry eyes

he look so handsome in that suit , and he takes my hand so cute 
he make me feel like i a wearing a hospital gown when i wore a mess 
you said you liked my cat dress , it make me feel like a princess '
the only one that has handicap access and he can paint a fantasy 
just by a glance, yeah you really put me out of  balance 

yeah i  think you must be a prince

i knew i am awake

bur you look like a daydream


he look so handsome in that suit , and he takes my hand so cute 
he make me feel like i a wearing a hospital gown when i wore a mess 
you said you liked my cat dress , it make me feel like a princess '
the only one that has handicap access and he can paint a fantasy 
just by a glance, yeah you really put me out of  balance 
for a girl that lives with epilepsy

buit i  search for plot twist , story line

all the time and decide to make you mine

 specially when you me like tha

had my back

catch me falling , god im so emberressing 
yeah he look so handsome in uniform , do you mind if i transform 
into a poem  , you already look like one ( not like you are one )

fan girl


he look so handsome in that suit , and he takes my hand so cute 
he make me feel like i a wearing a hospital gown when i wore a mess 
you said you liked my cat dress , it make me feel like a princess '
the only one that has handicap access and he can paint a fantasy 
just by a glance, yeah you really put me out of  balance 
catch me falling , god im so emberressing 
yeah he look so handsome in uniform , do you mind if i transform 
into a poem  , you already look like one ( not like you are one )
thousand poems and millions soundtrack 
yeah you the a list on the playlist 
that have access to my heart 
lost in the lights of oceéania
i am trapped in   the coat room 
the girls whisper where did she coom from 
when i appear from the bathroom 
Its glitter and confetti on the floor at ushuaia 
but all i think about the time when i sang 
mama mia 

söndag 26 juli 2020

Prince Chistian

he look so handsome in that suit , and he takes my hand so cute 
he make me feel like i a wearing a hospital gown when i wore a mess 
you said you liked my cat dress , it make me feel like a princess '
the only one that has handicap access and he can paint a fantasy 
just by a glance, yeah you really put me out of  balance 
catch me falling , god im so emberressing 
yeah he look so handsome in uniform , do you mind if i transform 
into a poem  , you already look like one ( not like you are one )
do you remember the first time i lay my eyes on you , i sure do .
i always make an awkward first impression but you shake if off 
though you wore a knight the way you saved my life 
you kinda remind me of prince Christian , knight and shining armor 
but inside of a hero , didnt want to go but one thing i learn with time 
is better to let go the hold on to past , kinda like to be the damstel in 
distress and i let you follow your dreams ( but we can met up at hospital 
because it nothing i do then ... fall

shots made

he look so handsome in that suit , and he takes my hand so cute 

he make me feel like i a wearing a hospital gown when i wore a mess 
you said you liked my cat dress , it make me feel like a princess '
the only one that has handicap access and he can paint a fantasy 
just by a glance, yeah you really put me out of  balance 

catch me falling , god im so emberressing 
yeah he look so handsome in uniform , do you mind if i transform 
into a poem  , you already look like one ( not like you are one )
no sound is that perfect like yours , its ours 
yeah i should have record it to my voice mail 
isnt it funny how a stranger can unvail 
your fears , in those isolation days 
i hate that i had go seperate ways 
you the only one who read between the line'
i never let down the wall before but you wore that DIOR 
fancy and trendy - you that peter to my wendy 

shots made

he look so handsome in that suit , and he takes my hand so cute 

he make me feel like i a wearing a hospital gown when i wore a mess 
you said you liked my cat dress , it make me feel like a princess '
the only one that has handicap access and he can paint a fantasy 
just by a glance, yeah you really put me out of  balance 

catch me falling , god im so emberressing 
yeah he look so handsome in uniform , do you mind if i transform 
into a poem  , you already look like one ( not like you are one )
no sound is that perfect like yours , its ours 
yeah i should have record it to my voice mail 
isnt it funny how a stranger can unvail 
your fears , in those isolation days 
i hate that i had go seperate ways 
you the only one who read between the line'
i never let down the wall before but you wore that DIOR 
fancy and trendy - you that peter to my wendy 

deeper then my epilepsy ever been

he look so handsome in that suit , and he takes my hand so cute 
he make me feel like i a wearing a hospital gown when i wore a mess 
you said you liked my cat dress , it make me feel like a princess '
the only one that has handicap access and he can paint a fantasy 
just by a glance, yeah you really put me out of  balance 

catch me falling , god im so emberressing 
yeah he look so handsome in uniform , do you mind if i transform 
into a poem  , you already look like one ( not like you are one ) 

i like how you made my wheelchair a hella of ride
transform it to vintage teacup and how you made me feel like betty boop
when you slide with me throught the corrridor and i always loved to hear your coming through the door - you made the quarantine so much more , Dior and i knew you are a superstar in your own way
im sorry to your partners that i write about you but you shine so bright and i was like fuck the barriar
i just wanted to hug you tonight brighter then then neon light and you the best carrier
i ever had because you also wore a friend

it made my day

you scroll down your phone
looking for the new fall coat
i guess you walking arm and arm
give her your coat , you dont need to sugarcoat
how you feel , you walk down the park
just to find a broken heart , pick it up
... hello buttercup
he say , it made my day
because i missed you since i walked away

Sk8er Boi

you know i adore you , dior

you are better then a superstar

because you have my heart restore

but i know i gonna stand in your way

so i slip you away , its for the be best

but know this you have a special place

in my  soul , yeah you the starring role

you now the type i like on the billiboard

and isnt it absurd

that i find a friend with boy with skateboard

trucker hat , i remember do you like that

poem , but deep inside i know you do

update about my recovery

so this decade have been amazing because , a lot of new people , adventures and experience , basically i travel the world twice since i left brighton and it was amazing . here is the places i been at: ibiza , spain ( in general ) canada , iceland , sinapore , tokyo , capetown , mexio , finland , cuba , south korea ( my fave places in tokyo , ibiza , capetown ) and i really recommend you to do a list with trips where you like to go ( it doesnt have to be far , it can be roadtrips )

but in the beginning of this year , i head an serious head injury and two lung inflammations  and  was in coma for a long time . but thankfully i made it out alive so i am very grateful to them who help me 


he look so handsome in that suit , and he takes my hand so cute 
he make me feel like i a wearing a hospital gown when i wore a mess 
you said you liked my cat dress , it make me feel like a princess '
the only one that has handicap access and he can paint a fantasy 
just by a glance, yeah you really put me out of  balance
when you gave me that eye and i thought i wore everything 
bit then i hit and fall, like a waterfall 
crumble down like pastry 
always assuming nobody will have me 
  the favorite love scenes is those i made ( no shade ) 
but then you came and pick me up , like your fave teacup