söndag 12 juli 2020

when i get dumped by england

break up with brighton
make up with  london
get your shit together
in a pub , forget hackney
in England im never lonely
everyone want to know who i am
i mean , who wouldnt me - stan ?
i pretty perfect but not yours to collect
just to make some memories to make
liverpool is cool but i prefer Manchester
break my curfew for a homie i didnt really love
got dumped by him was my best mistake
because then i fell  iove with myself
knowing that you cant really rely on anyones else 
then yourself  
yeah they say they stand for unity but i call it bull
because where is the likes when fall
i dont mix with your gang wth fuck
but i wish you better luck
with that miss - she is georgous
but got nothing on me im notorious
win heart and brighton wore only the start

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