torsdag 6 augusti 2020


his heart is so authentic

that he just jump in my poem 

yeah there something with him
with one glimt he just swept my fear 
away and since that day , i wear 
confidence that we both are, friends 
Its something diffrent , i think he is from heaven sent 
im sorry for having no filter but i find shelter
 in those eyes , in those helping hands 
finding love where epilepsy never been 
you wore my sacred vacation 
during this quaratine ,  climb every barriar

yeah you are a superstar , promise never change

because you the perfect carriar 
who caught me when i fell ,

woke me up with your perfect frevens

wrong timing but there is always a silver lining

his heart is so authenthic , always look so chic and smell like dior

jadore , i remember how i fell in your arms , caught by arms

how i felt so ugly when you said you like my cat dress

how you helped me with unbutton  and with my hair

like you actually care when i wore a  i was a  complete mess

i kinda respect that 

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