lördag 8 februari 2020

friends , finally

first time you enter my life i was like
nah this cant be right
people like you dont talk like people like me
yeah i didnt really get why you add me
million cool chics and i am just a hospital chic
had to shake off those insecuries
took me like a year until i became comfortable in who i am
we chat about this and that , but then i got that tantrum
and was like feeling awkard as hell in chatroom
so i was like delete because out of mind , out sight
but maybe you the person that actually understand
why i do get my fit .if so it makes you the perfect friend
took some time , didnt got why i did you decline ...
but they say lightning dont strike twice but suddenly we become friends
and this is the year of mends
one door close and an other open but never in my wildest dreams
i thought it wore somebody from your scene
yeah i tried to block you but you kept slide in my dms
and that how we became friends ... eventually

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