söndag 25 augusti 2019

Superwoman with epilepsy

a landscape straight out from tate

towers built in the center , houses look like castle 

it wore here in Brighton i met my first mate

and i knew it would be check mate

when i got the first time i lay my eyes of you

a kiss on the cheek and i never felt my knees so weak

 my legs are not my friends but i forgot they wore bend

from the first time you rode in on your white horse

it wore like you close the door to the pain

when you lay that kiss on my cheek

and i wore like , excuse me can i take an pic

because you is the first definally not the last

but you are the guy that made my hospital gown fall to the grown

and take on an other attire which made me feel proud

over the the body i was given and took on my superwoman

cape and in the night , diseapear to fight my greatest fear

... myself

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