söndag 18 augusti 2019

the collab is quite odd

you tap my heart and im not sure

if was that so smart becausee now you in my system

become my cure and i dont need any medication

you sample Music and i sample bloood

this collabration is quite odd

but i like how you make me feel , chill

like this friendship is real

because no one else … did

with one tap and you made my heart clap

and i cant Believe that we chat

its straight from a Movie , one of a block busters

but dont be a time waster because i wont

i cant Believe you hand me your number

and i got a bit blewn a way i must admit

but i call you in the end of the summer

because you somebody i wanna keep in my phone book

so promise you wont me block because i Think you rock

i just a bit freaked out that you … me stalk

on internet because lets get real it a big deal

for somebody like me

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