söndag 18 augusti 2019

to my so called reletives that cut me off

i excel through the hell
so go ahead knock me down
take the punches as they come
we all got our struggles to overcome
when you living in the fear of Death
cloud nine is what you shall decline
learn that you limitless even in that hospital gown
find strengh within as you flourish
grow up and see the true
you shouldnt fear being you , Blossom 
i wonder if you like your reflection 
if you like what you see , how you treated me 
bullied since i wore born , well but you peaked when i got sick 
not understand being a illness is not an weakness 
is you secret Power and i might be a wall flower 
but instead of treat people like shit im a lover 
well except when it comes to you 
because you knew what you have do 

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