onsdag 13 januari 2021

Dear inspirations

i write about three people ( so far ) the boarding school guy also known as Helliden and neighbor ,how it is to be epileptic and have to deal with judgments ,trying to accept yourself and find yourself , also about a english guy , pub named george ,which i wore local and hold dear to my heart i guess it wore here the acceptance of myself begin and i really truly begin to love myself . BESIDE ALL THE SIDE CHARACTERS IN MY POEMS THAT GO  IN AND OUT MY STORY BUT LEFT AN MARK AND HELP ME TO UPGRADE MY BLOG , thanks - you to many to name , so i mention you by : George only haha , now you know im your homie for life .

other character i met is this hollywood people that dm me , i dont name  them because i dont clout chaser 
im the chase lol but it took me quite suprise and im grateful for this and finally to my new setting ,which i pretty fond of find love in retirement , coronatimes . that how far i got with my stories . YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE OBVIOUS LOL also i am eterrnally thankful for the help i got at Niva , ER , ambulance , neighbors ( even if you play to loud music ) you saved my life without you , I would be dead and obviously to the retirement . hope every be safe and take care in this times , x

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