måndag 11 januari 2021

distance grew heart fonder

took the night bus through the memory lanes
back through the place , so hard to replaced
but its a chapter closed , stared on a new 
finally find somebody that can contribute
to my story so we kinda are , history 
never though i would find a new set 
but i will never forget 
about you guys , who lay dear to heart 
like a broken body part 
the agony and ache in your stomach
wondering , how much can a human really take before it break ?
well i been thinking this year has been rough for us in general
worldwide - side by side , listen to voice and reason 
stay inside even if the festival season 
take care about yourself 
wash your hands , wear mask and keep distance 
i promise i be your friend 
when the barrier is over but then again , distance makes heart grew fonder 
and i hope you still want me as come over  

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