torsdag 14 januari 2021

Cabin fever

it wore the hardest fall 
how i fell out my wheelchair 
into my  caretaker 
never been so knock out   of something breath taking 
how he pick me up like a i wore nothing 
with time i learn what quality to look for in a man
stung by the kindness in his heart and the intelligence in his brain
 tangled up by his empathy and drowning in sympathy 
and thats how i decided to make you a chapter in my poetry 
the intimacy of have somebody always being there 
helping you with your lips and hair 
little stuff like that i miss
having it like always 
like this
how you became my stylist 
secretly that always been on my bucket list 
somebody to dress me when i am not cable 
and im not sure if it wore cabin fever that made me deliver 
this feelings but i am a firm believer 
of it was true 

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