torsdag 14 januari 2021

les miserbles

so i remember when i  fell and hit the floor
got through the emergency and have to  go in for surgery 
i been told it wore like ten white coats around me to stop the injury
how i was in coma for like 32 days , on and off and how weird it was to wake up
when i couldnt talk , write so i have to learn everything all over again 
from sitting up on the bed ,  stand up and i remember how my mom and i  manage to figure 
out a way to signs ,how i almost losing my mind not being able to talk , observed everything 
that happens in the room mostly the handsome nurses and after a while i begin to play music 
and look through my instagram and later on ,  my travels with the nurses and then i went to retirement
and all i  thought , this would be like Les Miserbles but then i notice the assemble , wore supportful and what a time that could be , awful became awesome , i  mean with a guy that look quite handsome .
remember how i fell out my wheelchair , straight into my care taker who was a total knock  out 
and you should know that my time there wore priceless 

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