måndag 6 december 2021

christmas at Hogwarts

he  came in like the blizzard 

heal me like an wizard 

knock me out the chair 

how you became my stylist 

always pick out what i would wear

how you wrap me in the fanciest clothes

made me feel like i wore an supermodel

and an a hair model even if i wore bald 

i like how you made my makeup

the intimacy of it all 

of course i would fall 

out of that wheelchair 

but i like how you pick me up 

like nothing at all

how you got me in the feels 

and sorry if i am reveal 

way to much 

this have end up to be 

more the a holiday crush 

all begin like fun and games

now i end up drop them with namedrop

" no shade " but you made me into an , babe

and thats kinda ... fab

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