torsdag 17 december 2020


dont recall much how i end up here 
memories of being half death and half living 
people wore surrounded me  , they look like angels in their white coats 
i remember how i couldnt talk for awhile but we made this code , between me and mom
how i had to push once for yes , two for no and how sad it was to see her go 
but i recall when i got a bit less sick , how i realize this place wore the coolest place to date on 
and this is why the hospitals have my heart won , how you can save a life and make the journey right 
i recall i was about a mouth in Niva , learning to breathe ,write and talk .. how i got this tubes in my neck 
that helped me , how happy i was to take off them and to be able to breathe by my own but mostly by waking up with the look a like guy who looked like zedd who stood by  my hospital bed and the guy with taattoos . and martin who brush my hair - made me feel like it wore an spa section 

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