torsdag 30 januari 2020


one time at twitter a celeb begin to follow me , i was like hell yes
somebody acknowleage my presence and i love how we became friends
thank god for internet because i wore kinda stuck but you made this chapter rock
you know that i dont do chocolate , flowers , candy or hearts
so put your mastercard away , all i do is valentine cards
in form of alerts , every hangout is a date so i count you my first , do you mind ?
there is a reason why im say thank you , next and that is because i had to learn to apprichiate
myself , reject you was the hardest thing to do but i learn that people tend to comeback in their life
maybe if i swipe left wore a sign of time and in time would love somebody else , yourself
i dont see you as a loss , i still remember us as friends , not everyone is cut for love but i liked you never rejected me , you selected me - choose me and i have know im not the best on communicate
with somebody that is so perfect , yeah you tell me a lot of life which i really apprichiate because that is what i search in a mate , somebody who get what im all about
and than my mom come and delete you , i mean who does that ?

clearly inpired haha .

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