fredag 17 januari 2020

diary of a teen fangirl

poster on a wall , mixtape in the record machine
you are living the dream and im so happy you made it
practise make perfect and you make everything seem effortless
poster on a wall , backstage king and the queen of hospital , we just fit
brought on top of the pop and TRL because reality was a epic fail
and its kinda insane how we met  back and forth we fight but always comeback
strong , there wore many days as young i didnt had anyone to call mine
but i like the thought of us , do you mind and i know im there in spirit
every song is a reminder of you , the beat , drop because you never give me a dull moment
i fell in love with peace and quite of a song and i like how you always make me singalong
even if im at a hospital for a check up , you remind me that you dont have to be in the spotlight
to feel like you are a star

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