måndag 6 januari 2020

Hermonie and Harry

i been taking astromony lessons
knowing if you wore a blessing
all i can tell of this map of the star
that since you handed me that heart
im  yours , this friendship is ours
meeting you where like face a boggart
Humphrey Bogart
and i knew by the first sight , became next
friendship , hope you dont mind it , Bart ?
sometime it feels like only you can pull back in line
and i guess it where a sign of a time
with get off but we always comeback
going back and forth , south and north
thats how we get along in playlist and lyrics
sometimes we get it wrong but than comes a subtext
make me sure i will a stand out , yeah i this is a shout out ...
i do acknowleage your gf but you still my bff ,...
thats why you never going down in THE DAILY PROHET
and make every day perfect whatever i say in chatroom
you just met me on wrong day , you slide in with your broom
when i where i wore out of control and in midst of fit but i heard you also like to vent
about this and that on internet , so maybe its not that big deal i portray it to be , maybe its just me ?
but i want you to know i got that death mark so when you hand me your heart , it wore like
you became my defender against the dark art because i been kissed by demontor
which a fate worse you could even imagine but than you came around and i never felt so sound
with one sentence , it where like you dismantle all my insecuries i been inhabit like expellerious
, thats what friends do , dont you think , we always seem to recover from our fallouts and hang ups
get that nobody is perfect , and oblivite some scars', and in the end ... thats why you became my friend

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