fredag 3 januari 2020

teenage dreams

im not sure how i met the billboard king
i guess it all begin with me checking my phone 
not sure why did it because nobody call or like my stuff anyway
its all kinda a blur , how noticed the alert , the name and how i drop the phone in shook 
i mean , this must be somekinda joke , maybe im on punkd , just to be say thank you , next ?
not sure why you choose my avatar by the litter on twitter , you could met some sweeter
one of them guys call me retard , the other call me fave but you call me special 
it stuck , maybe i am more than a condition - more than a woman , maybe a fan , maybe a friend ...
whatever i am to you  ,i am a good one , loyal to the throne . as well the locals
not sure how i got on this feuture because all i hang with local service
but i think i stick it to this one because he bring me laughter and i need that after that chapter
yeah he make the confetti rain while others just brought tears , he bring the scum party
he not like anyone else i met and i like that we got some distance

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