tisdag 31 augusti 2021

blurred lines

  tell them this girl wore an saint become sinner
wonder how i went from an loser to an winner ? 
 i can tell his parents raised an wonderful son 
 because he had my heart , won 
 that kinda love you only write poems about 
 and i remember how i embarras i felt 
 when i fell out the wheelchair and into the carrier
 i can tell he wore  something special . like heaven sent 
 i moan when he stroke me like a new bought kitten
thought perfect when he said it wore okey that i namedrop you in my damn poetry
but lets face it no poems sounds that great like your vocals and everything wore like an , musical 
how you got me undress and strip - unaware of you still wore in the room and how you look like you eye fucking me with the eye , feeling like that wore hard to disquise and i like how you made me feel so stylish and glam 
like a real friend 

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