tisdag 31 augusti 2021

stroke me like a kitten

 tell them this girl wore an saint become sinner
wonder how i went from an loser to an winner ? 
born with nothing but now got everything 
being born as a rag doll , stitches bruises and fall
out the wheelchair and i remember how i fell into that carrier 
how he help me up like he stroke his new kitten 
dude of course i would be smitten 
the way you lay your hands on me like we wore friends 
i wore so broke , just want to elope 
but it wore hopeless so i did spend my time falling for you
heaven only lets a few in and you are like an angel 
i mean you wore my guardian angel 
that saved me from danger 
and i know you cant let me in 
heaven , seven heaven 
i remember how i saw stars 
when i got knocked out 
in lock down 
and i remember seeing 
a beautiful human being
wonder am i really living ?
when i fell in your arms 
boyfriend material and shit 
but i predict 
i am a future not girlfriend of his  
but god i  wish 

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