måndag 2 augusti 2021

never say goodbye

 i remember how i wore so fucked up 
 touched up by you in the the lock up
 i remember how i fell in love 
 heaven above , second time 
 straight in your chest 
made a cartwheel out my wheelchair 
and into my new carrier  
he looked kinda handsome
but his inside wore quite awesome
he treat me so well there at retirement
i thought i became heaven sent 
in your arms ,  seduced by your charm
he is my mate , i remember i thought perfect 
how you got yours but so am i 
maybe it wore only corona , the covid
but in my case i got used to hang with
somebody that well 
i remember when i got out , how you help me out 
did i saw a tear in your eye , was this goodbye for us
i never know you now 
but one thing i learn i never say goodbye , it just might take some while 

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