måndag 9 augusti 2021

Like u please

i got kissed by the reaper but god say i wore a keeper 
iaid in respirator for a month since you kiss my month 
how i recall fought trough it all , remember waking up
not being able to talk , write and balance 
surrounded by this handsome male guys 
at the hospitals , one looked exact like zedd 
so i thought i wore half death when i wore wake 
an he stood by my bed and i had a daily routine
to break the elbow with Martin , who went through my music faves
and brained the short hair i had , i wore quite fond of those lad 
but not as much at that i feel for that doctor student  at retirement
pretty much heaven sent , 2.0 and it wore perfect
i recall the first day we met and how i fell out my wheelchair
stunned by your appearance , mind blown of you knowledge  
he got morals like a soldier , clever like an doctor , hands like an nurse 
and i like how you make me feel like i am a big deal 
i was fell around like an Ferris wheel 
and begin to cartwheel out of my wheelchair 
do you know how rare this feeling is for somebody who is , sick
but i do think it pretty sick how you got me like this 
wonder if you read it your horoscope 
that you would find somebody like me in the middle of corona
just when i woke up from the coma 
and did you heard my heartbeat in that stethoscope
writing about you wore my way to cope 
like an free therapy  seasons 
and i know i like u for a reason 
when you wore that will guy , jim lad or chris 
it always come down to this damn poems 
but i kinda like to make remedies about how it wore
overthinking is my middle name and i never 
forget what said , why drove me mad 
but i happy you all comeback
 fell like an acrobat for that doctor student
how you became the best carrier i ever had and i am truly happy i met you 
but you not my first inspirations , i have like 3 : they come and go , like they please 
never did i thought chapter 2 , would return but i learn that this is the comeback season 
and pour my heart , blocked and reject because after all he done , he is not number one 

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