lördag 28 augusti 2021

hooked on iv drop , like i listen to your bop


you sample music , i sample blood samples 
i am hooked on iv drop , listen to your bop
knew you came around for an reason 
if it only wore be back for a season 
but honestly feel you loyal as a fan
are to a star 
you seem so down earth
 even if you bright up the skylight 
with your kind words in the night 
yeah i recall laying in the hospital
waking up from coma 
felt like i been 101 days in insomnia
and i remember how i could not write 
particular hard if you wanna be an , poet 
hard time breathing and had to lay in recovery
couldn't really explain anything but heard everything
that wore going on at the ward , every single word 
and i recall how my mum wore by side and we made a secret language 
as i could not speak , and i had a ritual with a nurse there 
break ¨the elbow and i love that because frankly every encountering with an man an like in " love " 
but i must say the recover is better because i met somebody that treat me like i am matter  

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