söndag 5 januari 2020


not that girl that hook up unless you are a iv drop 
and i dont get why you slide in to my dm of all avatar 
of all the cool chics you could hang with 
you saw something that wore beautiful underneath 

you embrace me weirdness , craziness excused if i where a hot mess 
not everyone have that genetic code to be an supermodel
but some can be a rolemodel ?
you show me a world that was beside my wildest dream
something i never had been whip up in my head 
just from books i read 
but even that seem unlikely but yet there you where 
inbox , hearts and sentence is where a beginning of beautiful friendship
that i truly worship , i wore just hanging there in the ER when you appear 
out of nowhere and it me like a fit , it where something out of a manusscript 
from hollywood and i like how ever sample of blood i take remind me of you 
i wonder if you ever think of me , to ?

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