söndag 5 januari 2020


not that girl that hook up unless you are a iv drop 
and i dont get why you slide in to my dm of all avatar 
of all the cool chics you could hang with 

you saw something that wore beautiful underneath 
you embrace me weirdness , craziness excused if i where a hot mess 
not everyone have that genetic code to be an supermodel
but some can be a rolemodel ?
stand up for other rights when other , cant 
speak up for those who lost the voice their inner voice 
be a man and not a boy and get that all we want is respect 
when shall we get that femint isnt an insult 
it i conviction of who you wore raised 
and after meeting you i realize i where , blessed 
you got a heart of a solidar , where your armour like a knight 
that stand for the damsel in distress , maybe you get my sitution better i do ?
personally , dont really knew what i do ...
but i like that you came along and portray me this friendly 
because you knew im all about this platonic shit 
i kinda think its lit how you and fit 

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