torsdag 2 januari 2020

Like Punkd

im not sure how i met the billboard king
i guess it all begin with me checking my phone 
not sure why did it because nobody call or like my stuff anyway
its all kinda a blur , how noticed the alert , the name and how i drop the phone in shook 
i mean , this must be somekinda joke , like im being punk'd
not really doing well with suprises but i roll the dice and took a shot
just when i though there nothing else here you came an creep up
sneak up from nowhere , suddenly you where there
im not sure how i met the billboard king
because it not like we run in the same circles
i mean im queen of hospital wings and blood samples
you make them but together it just click , you could been the worst prick
let your status get to your head but you so grouded that im dead
i didnt want you to met me like this , in a fit i have them like you deliver hit
and i hate that i went off on you in the chatroom , but you did caught me in a storm
one of my worst break down and i felt like a clown , but you always treat me like gent
i apprichiate that and thats why you my billboard king , and your music make it easier what i am living
with but than i realize stars are humans to with better opportunities than others but still its mindblown
how you stayed so growned

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