torsdag 2 januari 2020

not a rotten apple

im not sure how i met the billboard king
guess it all begin with me checking my phone 
not sure why did it because nobody call or like my stuff anyway
its all kinda a blur , how noticed the alert , the name and how i drop the phone in shook 
crack the screen , this must be something out of a dream ?
this doesnt happen to people like me
i mean , this must be somekinda joke
because this doesnt happen in real life , right
you slide into my dm like i slide in on a stretcher
i think internet put us together like a matcmaker
you put me on the bench , i take a stretch
i think we a perfect .... match
you throw me a ball , i dont get the hint and fall
but you still come around , to see if im good
i like that , i think thats perfect
whenever people laught at your situation is hard to see the good people
specially when i heard musical world is full of rotten apple
but you not one of them and i cant believe why shy ran , but i get why she stay
... i guess im also do that to if you approve ?

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