söndag 12 januari 2020


i been trying to erase you
but you are the best best human i met
internet , made me feel perfect
we all need comfort and you my safety blanket
when ever im down i put you on
and get swept away in my comfortzone
do you mind being in my friendzone ?
im sorry for my tantrum in the chatroom
maybe you like to vent and rant ...
never been good with people
but something with you sound so simple
how we fight , on and off , back and forth - platonic
but the music is alive within you and you came out of the blue
like a star , i like to watch them and send a pray to wherever you are
wonder if you get by safe - yeah you the person i never will forget
because you my best friend and how much i tried to block you out
i cant as your music are everywhere , mostly on my spotify
but i like that because that you and i talk
been pushing people away since i where nine
that i dont really reconize a real friend
so you hit me like one of your hit
yeah i was trying to erase you but all i did was lying to myself
and this year will i flourish and reborn to the greatest friend
you ever known - pinky promise

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