onsdag 27 november 2019

the good fella and cinderella

im sorry if my story is heavy
but i like how we become friendly
how you add me , hit me with that alert
and you that guy that will take me to top of the chart
for treating me like a freaking Cinderella
and for being a good fella
that good type that every love song hype
never been much of muchi - guchi stuff
just been laughing it off
but than you came along in a form of a song
and the fact i got more conversations with you
than any guy IRL - and you been on TRL
i like your achievements and even though we arguement
like a house on fire you always comeback to set me on the right track
i like that because its a testament that i dont kiss up or a clout chaser
i got my own checks , you know i prefer snacks than backstab GFs in back
but you know i am the coolest BFF , because i am cool with third wheel
we might be around and round like a ferris wheel
but in the end its no big deal
because i am always on your team
even when we are on a break
but i never put the pause on our relationship
because i think its somethink worth to keep

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