tisdag 26 november 2019


i used to be homeless with a promise
a normal girl before you made me hospital princess
enter my life , swipe left to make it right
dont remember my friends except one
but he is number one at billboard
make me feel like its ok being third wheel
that you support me in what i do
because im just an struggling artist
like you
words are my thing and you paint the picture
im not great at keeping up , when people reach out
i block them but there wore something with your dm
that made me unlock my writing block , thats why you rock
and know you pressed between two pages and become a chapter
full of laughter and joy , and i cant believe i me this - im kinda shook
how you transform my wheelchair to a pumpkin
and made me feel like cinderella in a hospital gown
your parents should be proud and i should be lucky that i have you found

pr : check out my tictok  : cooliscruel ( because obviously i am lol )

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