lördag 30 november 2019

the sickest of them all

the day when you pain is no longer tortune
when you realize the only pain relief you will get is the grave
when your pain become a pleasure
hollywood chics claim to sick but they dont know what i deal with
ill isnt what you wear , it how you feel
and im a hot mess , dare you to check underneath
been like this since nine and how did you dare put me down
just because i wearing a hospital gown
at least im own it
my craziness and everybody know im mental
when i get in my fit mood , bad bitch mood
if you wanna see something ill ,, something real
turn off TRL
allinated from my fam but at least i got one friend
that is my helping hand when it comes to this
put on the attire so i can be a warrior , not a worrier
i hate my meds but they prevent me going mad
small dose and no boys aloud
except for my squad

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