lördag 30 november 2019

you gave me closer and that i treasure

i guess a lot of girls would be in my postition
have your number but the fact you gave it to me
somebody with mine situation
throw me of guard and i wore a bit scared for falling hard
consider ever poem a postcard , and yours is a pic on the gram
it the secret langauge we got , subtext and low key is the key
i tried my best not freak out in  hangout
but your label scared me and to be honest i have no idea why you add me
my reletieves dont do that or even like my poems
they just shady and say they dont them
geuss there a lot of girls in row
so didnt know how to approach
me with my issues , it makes me sound like debbie down
sitting in a hospital gown
and when you remove me i thought it wore the end of us
i should had a little bit more faith in you
but you caught me out of the blue
and i hope you get that this is love , just friendship
of all the person i met you worthy keep
not because who you are , your positition
its because you  understand my situation
and that is huge

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