lördag 4 januari 2020

Coachella more like dreamchella


not that girl that hook up unless you are a iv drop 
and i dont get why you slide in to my dm of all avatar 
of all the pretty faces out there you clicked on me 
the girl who slide in the hospital on a stretcher
is like you suddenly put a plaster 
my broken past and i really want this future to last 
so i put you in my cast , keep you safe and sound 
where you always can be around when it going down
yeah im not like the girl you usual hang , maybe its why you me befriend ?
not really sure why you put in the frontline because im crazy and quite quirky
not that cool chics you see at tha  gram , but i am who i am 
just little old me and maybe thats why you like me , perhaps i also should add me 
to the lovers and not dislike every inch of my body 
but its kinda hard when everyone point out every flaw on it and run whener i got a fit
except you , you give me time to reset and comeback and i apprichiate that 
more than you will ever know , posterboy 
evertime i caught up in a storm of tantrum , i put on the stereo 
and suddenly every song become replaced and melt together , on the radio
i like that 
how you paint up a visual picture , so heavenly when everything in life is so deadly 
yeah saw you make it to chochella , more like dream-chella 
but you knew i thew im there in spirit , stream it and watch it 
you are part of my story now , dont go and blow it ;) 

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