lördag 4 januari 2020

the glow up

stood there an sang along to the local dj the mile oak in my invisable cloak
i remember i where so impress by the skills and how he put his hands
love for this place and everyone here became my friends
i didnt want it to end but good things do and i had hard to come over you
wherever i went something remind me george , it suck
 until i discover ibiza and how much it rock
karaoke at 21 , where there always on point , always grab that mic
dedicated songs to that boy a like back than , turned ot he where more of a friend
sang your song and absoulutly failed , sang like a cayote that vailed
and all the drunks sounded like gents when the dj put on the records
how the boys look for something fresh meat and how you just wanna play your beat
and i just observe the cool chics , standing at the bar deliver drinks , i thoght i peaked
i must have slipped and hit my head because your message where still wore about to come

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