onsdag 15 januari 2020

happy birthday and 1 year anniversity as a inspiration


i think its worth celebrate . made this playlist because you know me haha ( this one i am most proudest of btw . its include a lot of music from kpop and edm , tropical and pop and hiphop , oldies and goldies etcs ) 

tech you been my inspiration more than one year but last year it become more official that we wore friends , and it wore ok but worry im not namedrop , i might be obvious but there a lot of stars and who the hell say i am tell the truth - who know , well , you do lol

this playlist is by the my fave , it have the best beats , soundtrack and very chill and stuff . perfection .specially for people either on a beach or just abroad in a warm country 

regards . eh lisa 
( i use that name when i direct a message to you ) 

its soon your birthday , i notice .
but i dont gonna publish something then just so know but i hope you have a blast .

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