söndag 5 januari 2020

miss fit

not that girl that hook up unless you are a iv drop 
and i dont get why you slide in to my dm of all avatar 
of all the pretty faces out there you clicked on me 
the girl who slide in the hospital on a stretcher
is like you suddenly put a plaster at my heart 
for being on the outside all the years growing up 
i like that , all the emotional scars , psychological bully
being the girl for being the girl in a wheelchair 
i love sweden but it can be quite lonely 
give love but all you get is hate 
that isnt what life about 
nourish and you will flourish 
take care of them that have non 
all i was sitting here in my hospital room
obsereved and examed , never thought i would make a friend
but than you came along , left field and took me to springfield
i know it havent been easy road , always take the long way
because short cuts make me fall on the butt
but you that eat my short
type that know exactly what i like
time and space , we play pranks and fallout
but always comeback even if im act like a devil
perhaps you see throught my fits like i see through your hits ?

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