lördag 4 januari 2020

something else

not that girl that hook up unless you are a iv drop 
and i dont get why you slide in to my dm of all avatar 
of all the pretty faces out there you clicked on me 
the girl who slide in the hospital on a stretcher
is like you suddenly put a plaster at my heart
for being on the outside all the years growing up 
i like that , all the emotional scars , psychological bully
being known as the girl for being the girl in a wheelchair 
i love sweden but it can be quite lonely 
isolation is the worst part with a conditon ,segration 
if you not have the right support growing up with a conditon 
well , there is a long  road for you and as  i recently discover
the unconditonal love i thought i had wore a scam
and i have problem with pride , more with cutting ties
secrets and drama but one thay you get your karma
from bffs to beefs minutes , just because i open my mouth
it was everything i been wanted to say , pouring out
for like 30 years and you think you right , blimey
i am like this with God, all mighthty , probably would have give you my kidney
but not everything´is DISNEY . there loneliness in being sick because you always get last pick
so you where a dream come true , for  a girl that have no hope shot for a miracle cure
i get off on you for no reason but change my mind about that decline and now you are a friend
of mind but this where the last time , we that brenda and brandon
 90210 , ocean drive and peach  pit - you and me just fit
 you are my sign of time that i that is should write about something else than , brighton
because you get my tantrum in my chatroom like nobody in real life do , so i stick with you

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