torsdag 2 januari 2020

sorry for my epilepsy

im not sure how i met the billboard king
i guess it all begin with me checking my phone 
not sure why did it because nobody call or like my stuff anyway
its all kinda a blur , how noticed the alert , the name and how i drop the phone in shook 
i mean , this must be somekinda joke , maybe im on punkd , just to be say thank you , next ?

yeah i where laying on the stretcher when he appered out of the blue , the backstage king

and i where like were can i met him , more than in my dream ?

we dont run in right circles , he the sickest of the club scene and i , run this hospice

kill boys germs , one by one , just for fun and cheeks only , no tongue , hooking up with iv drop

and suddenly my heart stop when by the notification ,red alert and heart , i could feel my cheeks heat

how the hospital room turned into disco , and you must think psycho but it just my epilepsy playing games

deliver fits like you serve hits and i where like i have to drop out of this but you where secretly everything i could wish

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