lördag 4 januari 2020

sorry i am not flirting , you would know because than i play dirty

not that girl that hook up unless you are a iv drop 

and i dont get why you slide in to my dm of all avatar 

of all the pretty faces out there you clicked on me 

the girl who slide in the hospital on a stretcher

is like you suddenly put a plaster at my heart 

for being on the outside all the years growing up 

i like that , all the emotional scars , psychological bully

being known as the girl for being the girl in a wheelchair 

i love sweden but it can be quite lonely 

if you not have the right support growing up with a conditon 

and not talking about is never the best medication 

the power with love  uncondititional and platonical 

is magical it can make you feel like you high above 

but one word can make you come down , fall apart 

break apart so easily and he sad it so weazely 

didnt need your diagnose but you gave me prognose 

im already know am needy , a bit clingy and that not a way 

to treat me , telling me i was a retard and put a stample on it 

yeah now you got  me fit and  livid , hard to trust guys because of it 

but you just a boy , probably dont know

how it feels to be the girl always know as the girl in a hospital gown

never been able to go at parties because of seizure´and waiting for some magical cure

that never will come , and you think its you that im starry at when we met ,sorry but i just caught in

a fit , not take this for flirting - you would know because when i do i play dirty

inspo of problems with boys and dating just / also by this mv

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