söndag 3 november 2019

rejected by the one i hold close

in my mind , you sit here in the coach prefer me over her ?
holding my hand , and playing to be just a friend when when clearly we both want
more , in my eyes , its clear to see you still in love with your ex , i can tell by your text
hes tongue still got the remains and bones of the girl you  been cuddle up to
he think he got came isnt it a shame , i learned from you and know im gonna break it
just for the poem , im not here to warm up her place , love is not a race ....
everything that lost can be replace , trace and i am know who you are
in my mind everything make sense , you say im might be a bit intensive
i might see what comes along with being the second best so you better delete that text
maybe i am just a product  , gods mistake - please dont make me an thank you next
rejected by the the one i been hold dear to my heart for ages , understand it take time to ... ages
and your friendship caught me by quite surprise , left field when my shield wore down
all i know is like that you seen my worst hour and comeback , once and twice maybe twice or four
i like how you always winning this game of our match ours , perhaps nothing with us make sense
maybe we not even friends , but i really just want somekinda happy ends ...

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