måndag 11 november 2019

stars shine brightest in the dark

in the thick of healing i did my best to lose the only friend i had
they stars shine brightest when its dark and know i can see your heart
and im acknowleage my fault in this , they say idols love their fans
can we still be friends ?
you wore crashing into me like a wave and i wore cave in
i have rules that i set up since i wore eighteen ...
never been good at keeping touch
and there you came and show up
unsuspected friendship but lately i been consider you and i more similiar
because there something with you that is strangly familiar
i try to protect you from my future because i wanted to live out your dreams
but you always came back , one , two , three , four times
and i know we went a bit out of line
but when i tried to swipe left you pull me back in line
show me that everyone those mistake and its alright
and its fine
i¨know im not good with first impression
but at least i got your attention
unexpected and i wasnt prepered for you to show up
in my inbox , but i never forget that dm
that solve every problem
and suddenly everything click , made sense
yeah they say idols love their fans
so hopefully we still friends ?

ps .. this chapter isnt over . never

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