tisdag 5 november 2019

the character of my blog

as we all might figure out im quite keen writer . i find it quite theraphutic ( if thats a word lol )
expressing your emotions and pin them down on paper . is basically all i do , every crazy thought i get , pinch of craziness become a poem . currently im working on chapter 3 which is about celeb ( privacy reasons i keep him discret ) if i name drop names in poems , it isnt about them . like for example i mention Guetta and Garixx , but also Kygo in poems / stories lines . its fair game because , it just what i done and stuff , went to see gigs with them , i also wrote about a place called George , which isnt a guy which people might think , its a pub ... its where i got that teenagers years , light lol
it wore very nice time and the landslord and landslady , wore amazing and i felt always welcome there , sometimes more than at my host family which is nice , i had no friends when i came but went with the gang , thats how i like to think of it ( you know who you are and you always welcome here , well when i get my own MTV CRIB TO LIVE IN , also - refering to the celeb above haha )
the chapter number one , i meet study art , clearly i was study him more then school projects ,i wore this private , posh and boarding school girl - you guess it , quite naive and innocent and he wore a punk . the classic story about how girl meet boy , neighbors lol .

thats my character for now .

and of course - and you . i never mention you

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