lördag 2 november 2019

the reason why i havent called is because im very shy and introvert

but the song with francis and the light  , why not made me pumped and was like yeah why not !
not always eye to eye , and always bumbs in road , hiccups but we make up ... i hear you in the air
you sing me to sleep and it make me safe , you that star that i have always on my side, you make me feel like a hospital queen and when i am in my darkest hour - i put on this song that is our ... then i hear your voice , you tell me everything is alright , gonna be just fine and i you dont care if i throw fit or tantrum , maybe you like when i keep it real with you , maybe its a part of the world in a world of limosines , red carpet and events , maybe a girl with deadly condition its what you need , to make you humble , because caught up your bubble or maybe you like me for me which weird because im just awkward and talk in poems and rhymes , always go hands but it feels like i got a friend ? maybe .
 you put me straight and that is what friends do and did i mention i do look up to you ?

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