söndag 3 november 2019

A second round

is that our farewell
our last goodbye 
know this 
you will always be 
special to me 
how you came into my life 
made me stop swipe left 
and look left and find something else 
a friend , i like to believe in that 
i need to hope in something 
will you be my everything 
maybe you my only thing
the only person that can get me 
and thats why i am afraid 
perhaps im scared...
but you crawl deeper than my epilepsy
been , perheps it wore a dream ? 
maybe you just an fantasy ?
i know i was stupid
but this year told me a lot 
about friendship and you finallý got me 
caught and now i am sold on this web of songs 
 but when you always get cut off
and become the subject for rejections
is all you known
maybe i dont know how its to feel love ?
even it hit me in the face , on and on
and if you have move on
i wish you the best
but you know our song is sacred , holy
and you playing with holy ground
and lets have a second round ... 

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