söndag 3 november 2019


i need something to change my life , a story to change the situation im put in
i dont ask for lot maybe you be able to change history ?
make a tragedy become legendary , maybe you got the skill to make me catch feel
you paint up the pichure and do you mind if say it or would you place me ?
there a lot of cool chics but them who stick , you should make it legit
do you mind if i levate , you make me radiate ... from earth
put those wings on my body and i can make you sing
you got that king of the castle , walk me through the aisle we call life
and i know i wont forget about you ... we all have our crosses to carry
but somehow in you i feel like i known you for like my life
and if make me a bit worry , one thing i learn with this year is friends tend to comeback
you know im not after backstab , girlfriends back - all i want to party at the after party

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