söndag 28 mars 2021

dope ass thing

 he doing dope ass thing 
like help me with living 
with hands like nurses 
but clever like doctors 
a look like a model 
and i dont know ya 
but i think i want to be ya 
... with ya  or under ya 
 hehe , is it cool if i call you babe
because i kinda made you mine 
for once upon a time , you just dont knew it 
and im sorry for every fit i deliver like a smash hit
go out with an bang , yeah knew my style 
not go with grace and balance but i got some intelligence
most of all i like how you treat me so gentle and nice 
and i think you are a superhero without an mantel 
because you made me recover and i hate the thought of it is , over 
but after this , i can stroke your  cat like you did my head , pat 
i mean wouldnt that be perfect 

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