fredag 19 mars 2021

you shoud see my with long , long hair x

 he lives just around the corner 

 is the only guy that touched my lips 

now i cant our secret , keep them

 i am sorry if i am 

fuck up this but i am truly your fan

yeah if you knew my dreams 

how the hell become your friend 

all i am known disquieting and awful

and i know gossip is an disgrace 

but i kinda like this, place 

is all i got and i know you liked me bald 

so you should me when i have  long hair 

i kinda choose to be surrounded by

like my favorite carrier at the retirement 

Elin and Susanna , yeah you both  knew it 

hehe that wore quite an babe 

but  all i see is good lad 

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