i remember how i got my first bike
and around the hometown was like
seen hanging on the bike
and around the hometown was like
seen hanging on the bike
had the chubby arms of a kid
hanging by your waist
yeah you wore show me life
of happiness and brought me up tell me
i wore , i importance and thats how i found acceptance
you not only my mom , you are my best friend , protector
i remember how you took a break from your work so we could travel the world
it wore the best time ever because i made the greatest memories , with ya
i remember how much i missed you when i wore study aboard , hanging with all those toads
having a crying shoulder , yeah that would be nice but growing up you have to roll with the punches
but i prefer you wore here and protect me for these guys with bad intentions , yeah thanks mom for always been there , helped me through the bad and help me set goals
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