söndag 28 mars 2021

to my mentor

he tell me to back off when i cant get enough
and i love when i made him laugh
because he always play it out so cool and i know i am a bit of a fool 
and i am sorry if come of to strong with my questions but i do value your privacy
i just thought this wore how you was about learn to knew each other 
just knew i do respect your values , i  just new to them 
sorry if i came a bit strong but i didnt knew what to say or do 
i never really talked with somebody like you and it scared me a bit 
i admit but he told me my poems wore , lit 
that wore the best feeling ever because you like my mentor 
the one i look up to when it comes to being an author 
i like that you clever like and your mind make me better 
and how it wore the worst message i sent because i wrote it in an fit 
throwing those words but i wonder if you  of a fan of them ever , heard ? 
and i hope we can bury the heches because we lit , perfect matches 

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