söndag 7 mars 2021

Awkard shit , kinda love it

i wonder if you remember who i am 

how i felt from my wheelchair 

and you pick me up 

like you hug that coffee mug 

and god i wore jealous of that cat

imagine you stroking her , aint i am your girl 

lol nah but you made the retirement a ball

you wore my prince , yeah you even better then those Brits 

hands like nurse and mind like a doctor , clever like few 

of course i would fall in love , got that strength of a soldier 

and moral like a king but are loyal like a friend 

thanks for make me stronger 

i recall  when you said i wore cute when i wore bald

it made me so happy you have no idea 

and how you became my personal bartender 

when it comes to medicines that i throw up in your hands 

and you wipe me  clean yeah it wore     quite an dream 

the fact you hang with me and know who i am

the real me , an still hang around . yeah your parents should be proud 

i recall how you pick out my style on daily basis and become my stylist 

and how you touch my gloss with gloss like an make up artist  

but i recall you had to wipe my ass and the intimacy of it 

to be honest i didnt mind it 

and how i forgot you still wore in the room when i was take off my shirt 

how damn awkward it was 

but i kinda living for those moment 

yeah thanks for make me stay , heaven sent 

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