fredag 21 maj 2021

distance friends

 i will never stand in the way of your dreams 
might pull you into mine , dident ment to but you kinda 
walked into my plot and suddenly i wore like pop up like an catapult 
out the wheelchair when i saw that carrier , he had eyes beautiful then stars 
i remember how stroke me like an cat and everything felt perfect at retirement
even if i wore a mess he told me i wore beautiful and it wore quite wonderful 
to here because i wore insecure about my hair but you have a way with you made everyone feel
like they wore a big deal and i bet you been stealing many hearts in your days and heres an alert 
that you got me around you finger ,   i dont know about the future but i think you got the cure , salvation
some kinda medication but i know i ask a lot from ya , it took a long way to find acceptance with myself 
but i just wanted you to know if you ever have a bad day , i am thinking of ya , support ya and love ya 
from distance ( but i am also cool being friends ) yeah i have no fear with speaking my mind , but around you i get all quiet ... dead silent become stumble on words and i cant even get i got

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